Song of Solomon 5:1

The maiden's eyes are here compared to doves, peeping out from behind the veil (RV). As is usual with Syrian brides her hair is not braided, but hangs loosely down, like a flock of black goats which graze along the slope of a mountain, and look as though they were suspended from it (RV). DESCRIPTIO... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:2

Heavy dew falls, especially during spring and in the second half of the night. The Spanish poet whom Longfellow translated had in his mind our passage and Revelation 3:20 : 'Lord, what am I, that, with unceasing care, Thou didst seek after me,—that thou didst wait, Wet with unhealthy dews before my... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:2-16

A DREAM. HIS BEAUTY AND HERS 2-7. Another dream of hers, with a painful ending. The accumulation (Song of Solomon 5:2) of names of endearment reminds us of the frequent repetition, by a Palestinian bridegroom during the wedding dance, of _Yâ halâli, Yâ mâli_, ' O my property, 'Omy possession!'... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:4

A hole is still cut in the door of Syrian houses, through which the owner can insert his arm and the key. 5. 'Myrrha stacta,' liquid myrrh, which flowed from the bark of the plant, was the finest and most costly. In two modern Egyptian poems we find: 'My love hath perfumed herself on the nights of t... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:7

The watchmen treat her as a mere night-wanderer: cp. the solicitude of Boaz for Ruth (Ruth 3 :M). They tore off her wrapper (Mark 14:51), a light garment which rested on the shoulders, or was thrown round the head as a veil.... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:8

The idea conveyed by this abrupt and obscure v. seems to be that she will be perfectly safe, even in regions remote from home, and where many dangers lurk, if only her lover is at hand. His presence ensures happiness and security. The exclamation, 'Look,' etc., reminds us of a modern traveller's rem... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:9

She is her mother's only, i.e. dearest, one (Genesis 22:2), and her pure one. The chorus prepares the way for her eulogy of her beloved. 10-16. Nuptial songs in praise of the bridegroom's beauty are at the present day comparatively rare in Palestine. His head is the most fine gold, an expression w... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:10

The smell of her garments is like the fresh and healthy odour of the cedars, or, as we in England should say, of the pinewoods: cp. Genesis 27:27; Psalms 45:8.... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:13

Her charms are like the young plants in an orchard of pomegranates, protected from the depredations of wild beasts. The 'banks of sweet herbs' (RV) have also been rendered,' towers of perfumes.' The lips are compared to red lilies, red being the dominant colour of the flora of that land.... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:14

The SAFFRON is the autumnal crocus, the dried flowers of which are employed in medicine, dyeing and perfumery. The thick, creeping rootstock of the CALAMUS is pungent and aromatic. The resin of ALOES is used in the preparation of incense. The fingers are round and shapely; the nails like topazes; t... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:15

The 'flowing' (RV) STREAMS, etc., reminds us of the many streams which run into the sea between Tyre and Beyrout. The pillars of marble remind us of a song still current in those regions: the singer avers that his dear one's foot is of white silver, which would be scratched if she walked even on cl... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:16

Accepting his figurative description of her, she bids him welcome. The colder north wind and the warmer south are naturally mentioned: not the east, which brings drought, nor the west, which carries moisture from the sea. SONG OF SOLOMON 5:1. The bridegroom's reply. He bids his friends follow his e... [ Continue Reading ]

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