For the effect ascribed to the mandrake see Genesis 30:14. It is not a very common plant in the neighbourhood of Jerusalem, but grows freely in Galilee; its reddish-golden apples, about an inch and a half in diameter, emit a somewhat sweet odour. On a shelf over the inner door (RV) of the house she has laid up some of the old fruits for him.

Song of Solomon 8:1 f. Obviously this is supposed to be spoken in the days of their first love, before others were aware of it. Amongst the Bedouin, brothers and cousins on the father's side are the only male relatives who may kiss a maiden. In place of the very difficult expression, who would instruct me, two ancient versions have a clause parallel to the preceding one, 'and to the chamber of her who conceived me.' In Persia wineis obtained from pomegranates.

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