Zechariah 1:1

THE EIGHTH MONTH] the month Bul (see 1 Kings 6:38), corresponding to part of October-November. THE SECOND YEAR OF DARIUS] i.e. 520 b.c. This was the first Darius, son of Hystaspes, who had just succeeded to the Persian throne. Babylonia formed part of his dominions. He found the old decree of Cyrus... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 1:1-21

LESSONS FROM THE PAST. THE FIRST AND SECOND VISIONS 1-6. The Prophet's message. He calls the people to repentance. 8-17. The First Vision: The Divine Messengers ever watching over the affairs of the nations. 18-21. The Second Vision: Hostile nations subdued by divinely-appointed agents.... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 1:3

UNTO THEM] i.e. the people. THE LORD OF HOSTS] a frequent phrase in Zechariah. Probably the original idea was of Jehovah as the leader of Israel's armies, then of sun, moon, and stars, the hosts of heaven, then of angelic hosts. The title expresses God's supreme power and majesty. 4. Zechariah evid... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 1:8

MYRTLE TREES] rare in Palestine today, but once common around Jerusalem: cp. Nehemiah 8:15. They have no special significance in the vision. BOTTOM] RM 'shady place.' RED HORSES, SPECKLED, AND WHITE] RV horses, 'red, sorrel, and white.' Some take the colours to indicate various countries whence the... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 1:9

O MY LORD] addressing the angel of the Lord, who has not yet been mentioned. 10. The figure is military and suggests horsemen hovering on the flanks of an army—the scouts of God's great host.... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 1:11

AT REST] probably a lull in the wars of Darius, and so all the more remarkable. 12. One angel speaks from among the myrtle trees, another from beside the prophet. The second asks why in this universal peace Jerusalem alone is unvisited of God. To the nations He sends peace as a sign, to Jerusalem H... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 1:12

ZION] a synonym for Jerusalem; properly the higher of the two spurs on which Jerusalem was built. 18-21. The Second Vision: The four horns and the four smiths. This vision forms a fitting supplement to the first, and describes the destruction of those enemies of Israel (the four horns) who, having... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 1:18

FOUR HORNS] Vain efforts have been made to identify these with four nations or races, who at one time or another were Israel's oppressors, e.g. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia. A more likely suggestion is that' four' may indicate the whole of Israel's enemies from the four quarters of the globe. But... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 1:20

FOUR CARPENTERS (RV 'smiths')] lit. 'workers' (sc. in iron), as in Isaiah 44:12. Probably one to deal with each horn. The language is symbolic, and does not necessarily imply the sending of four deliverers.... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 1:21

NO MAN DID LIFT UP HIS HEAD] In the events culminating in the captivity, the people were utterly crushed. FRAY] an obsolete word meaning 'terrify': cp. Deuteronomy 28:26. The root is seen in 'afraid,' i.e. affrayed. But the reading in LXX suggests a Hebrew word meaning 'file down,' which certainly g... [ Continue Reading ]

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