Zechariah 2:1

A MAN WITH A MEASURING LINE] The vision IS probably connected with what, at the time, was really under discussion, viz. the rebuilding of the walls. The Jews felt that they were few in number, and without proper defences. 3, 4. The interpreting angel stands near the prophet. He goes forth to meet a... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 2:1-13

THE THIRD VISION 1-5. A young man with a measuring line goes forth to measure Jerusalem preparatory to rebuilding the walls. But an angel is sent to stop him. The population will so increase as to exceed all human expectations, and God will be the city's best defence. 6-9. The Jews are summoned to... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 2:8

AFTER THE GLORY] better, 'after glory,' i.e. to win glory, by bringing judgment on the Babylonians who spoiled Israel. ME] the angel is still speaking. APPLE OF HIS EYE] here lit. 'the door of his eye'; elsewhere, 'the daughter,' i.e. the pupil of the eye, which, from its position, importance, and s... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 2:11

MANY NATIONS SHALL BE JOINED TO THE LORD] better, 'shall join themselves.' This was fulfilled after the coming of Jesus Christ, who also fulfilled the words, 'I will dwell in the midst of thee.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 2:13

BE SILENT] lit. 'hush!' cp. Habakkuk 2:20. IS RAISED UP] better, 'hath roused himself'—said of God when He is about to execute some great purpose. HIS HOLY HABITATION] i.e. heaven.... [ Continue Reading ]

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