Acts 7:14

KINDRED (_ See Scofield) - (Genesis 46:26). There is no real contradiction. The "house of Jacob" numbered seventy but the "kindred" would include the wives of Jacob's sons. _... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 7:38

CHURCH Israel in the land is never called a church. In the wilderness Israel was a true church (Greek, "ecclesia" means "called-out assembly"), but in striking contrast with the New Testament ecclesia (_ See Scofield) - (Matthew 16:18). _ ANGEL (_ See Scofield) - (Hebrews 1:4). _... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 7:54

WHEN THEY HEARD They had brought false witnesses against Stephen; he bears true witness against them, quoting the testimony of writers they owned to be inspired. He speaks of the persistent rejection of God and His servants by the nation til at last it is brought home to themselves, and arouses the... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 7:59

GOD Omit God. Literally, And were stoning Stephen as he was invoking and saying, Lord Jesus, give welcome unto my spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]

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