but there shall be

From the "head of gold" (Daniel 2:38) to the "iron" of the "fourth kingdom" (Rome) there is deterioration in fineness, but increase of strength (Daniel 2:40). Then comes the deterioration of the "fourth kingdom" in that very quality, strength.

(1) Deterioration by division: The kingdom is divided into two, the legs (Eastern and Western empires), and these are again divided into kingdoms, the number of which when the Stone smites the image will be ten toes, (Daniel 2:42); Compare (Daniel 7:23); (Daniel 7:24).

(2) Deterioration by admixture; the iron of the Roman imperium mixed with the clay of the popular will, fickle and easily moulded. This is precisely what has come to pass in the constitutional monarchies which, the Republic of France and the despotism of Turkey, cover the sphere of ancient Roman rule.

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