Daniel 7:2
GREAT SEA The "sea" in Scripture imagery stands for the populace, the mere unorganized mass of mankind (Matthew 13:47); (Revelation 13:1).... [ Continue Reading ]
GREAT SEA The "sea" in Scripture imagery stands for the populace, the mere unorganized mass of mankind (Matthew 13:47); (Revelation 13:1).... [ Continue Reading ]
THREE RIBS A reference to the three-fold dominion of the second empire, Media, Persia, Babylonia. DEVOUR That is, Lydia, Babylonia, Egypt, etc.... [ Continue Reading ]
LEOPARD Swiftness of Alexander's conquests.... [ Continue Reading ]
HORNS A horn symbolizes a king. Compare (Revelation 17:12).... [ Continue Reading ]
LITTLE HORN The vision is of the end of Gentile world-dominion. The former Roman empire (the iron kingdom of (Daniel 2:33); (Daniel 2:40); (Daniel 7:7) will have ten horns (that is, kings, (Revelation 17:12) corresponding to the ten toes of the image. As Daniel considers this vision of the ten king... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THEY This scene is identical with that of (Revelation 5:6). There the ascription of praise of the "kings and priests" (Compare (Daniel 7:18); (Daniel 7:18); ref. A) ends with the words, "and we shall reign on the earth." Revelation 6. opens the "vexing" of (Psalms 2:5) introductory to setting t... [ Continue Reading ]
HIM (Daniel 7:13); (Daniel 7:14) is identical with (Revelation 5:1) and antedates the fulfilment of (Daniel 2:34); (Daniel 2:35); (Daniel 7:13); (Daniel 7:14); (Revelation 5:1) describe the investiture of the Son of Man and Son of David with the kingdom authority, while ... [ Continue Reading ]
BEASTS The monarch vision of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2) covers the same historic order as the beast vision of Daniel, but with this difference: Nebuchadnezzar saw the imposing outward power and splendour of the "times of the Gentiles" (Luke 21:24); (Revelation 16:19) while Daniel saw the true charac... [ Continue Reading ]
SAINTS Verses (Daniel 7:18); (Daniel 7:22); (Daniel 7:25); (Daniel 7:27). That church saints will also share in the rule seems clear from; (Acts 16:17); (Romans 8:17); (2 Timothy 2:10); (1 Peter 2:9); (Revelation 1:6 [ Continue Reading ]
KNOW THE TRUTH OF THE FOURTH BEAST See note 4, (_ See Scofield) - (Daniel 7:17). _... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THEY SHALL The end of Gentile world-power. (1) In the beast vision of Daniel 7, the fourth beast is declared to be "the fourth kingdom," that is, the Roman empire, the "iron" kingdom of Daniel 2. The "ten horns" upon the fourth beast (Roman empire), (Daniel 7:7) are declared to be "ten kings t... [ Continue Reading ]
EVERLASTING KINGDOM See (2 Samuel 7:16); (Psalms 89:35); (Daniel 4:3); (Daniel 7:13); (Daniel 7:14); (Luke 1:31).... [ Continue Reading ]