Exodus 16:1
SECOND MONTH That is, May.... [ Continue Reading ]
SECOND MONTH That is, May.... [ Continue Reading ]
MANNA (_ See Scofield) - (Exodus 16:35). _... [ Continue Reading ]
ACCORDING Compare (John 6:33); (John 6:41); (John 6:42); (John 6:52). Christ gives himself unreservedly, but we have no more of Him than faith appropriates, (Exodus 16:18); (Exodus 16:2); (Joshua 1:1). (Exodus 16:2) is our title. (Exodus 16:3 [ Continue Reading ]
LEFT As we are not nourished by the memory of food, so neither can spirituality be sustained on past appropriations of Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
MANNA Manna, type of Christ as the "bread of life," come down from heaven to die "for the life of the world." (John 6:35); (John 6:48). A "small" thing (Exodus 16:14) having but the taste of "fresh oil." (Numbers 11:8) or "wafers with honey" (Exodus 16:31); it typifies Christ in humiliation as pres... [ Continue Reading ]