make an ark

All begins with the ark, which, in the completed tabernacle, was placed in the holy of holies, because, in revelation, God begins from Himself, working outward toward man; as, in approach, the worshipper begins from himself, moving toward God in the holy of holies. The same order is followed in the Levitical offerings (Le 1-5). In approach man begins at the brazen altar, type of the Cross, where, in the fire of judgment, atonement is made.

make an ark

The most inclusive type of Christ, "Gold", signifies "Deity"; "wood, signifies "humanity". History:

(Numbers 3:31); (Numbers 10:33); (Joshua 3:3); (Joshua 6:11); (Judges 20:27); (1 Samuel 3:3); (1 Samuel 4:1); (1 Samuel 5:1); (1 Samuel 6:1); (1 Samuel 7:1); (1 Samuel 7:2); (2 Samuel 6:2); (2 Samuel 7:2); (2 Samuel 15:24); (1 Kings 8:1) not carried to Babylon, (2 Kings 24:13); (2 Chronicles 35:3); not mentioned in Ezra or Neh. Where is it? (Revelation 11:19).

shittim wood

That is, acacia.

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