Exodus 27:1

ALTAR Brazen altar, type of the Cross upon which Christ, our whole burnt-offering offered Himself without spot to God (Hebrews 9:14). HEIGHT (Cf) (Exodus 25:10). The altar of burnt offering is double the height of the mercy-seat. The atonement more than saves us -- it glorifies God (John 17:14).... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:2

BRASS Compare (Numbers 21:9); (John 3:14); (John 12:31), thus fixing the symbolic meaning of brass as divine manifestation in judgment.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:9

FINE TWINED LINEN The fine linen commonly typifies personal righteousness (Exodus 26:1) ref. (d), and in the hangings of the court stands for that measure of righteousness which God demands of any who would, in his own righteousness, approach. Christ, figuratively speaking, put up the hangings of t... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:16

GATE In the hangings of the court (Exodus 27:9), representing that practical righteousness which God demands in the law, and which, therefore, bars out all men; (Romans 3:19); (Romans 3:20); (Romans 10:3). No colours are inwrought. But the "gate" is Christ (John 10:9) and so the colours reappear as... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:17

PILLARS The fillets and hooks upholding the linen hangings are of silver (_ See Scofield) - (Exodus 38:27) _ for it is in virtue of His redemptive work that Christ is our way of access, and not by virtue of His righteous life (symbolized by the fine linen); but the pillars of the court rest upon... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:20

OIL Oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit (Cf) (John 3:34); (Hebrews 1:9). In Christ the oil-fed Light ever burns, the Light of the world (John 8:12). But here we have not the world, but the sanctuary. It is a question, not of testimony in and to the world, but of our communion and worship as believer... [ Continue Reading ]

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