As Sarah stands for "the mother of us all," that is, of those who, by
grace, are one with the true Son of promise, of whom Isaac was the
type (John 3:6); (Galatians 4:26); (Galatians 4:28); (Galatians 4:29);
(Hebrews 2:11) and joint heirs of His wealth; (Hebrews 1:2); (Romans
8:16); (Ro [ Continue Reading ]
Esau stands for the mere man of the earth. (Hebrews 12:16); (Hebrews
12:17). In many respects a nobler man, naturally, than Jacob, he was
destitute of faith, and despised the birthright because it was a
spiritual thing, of value only as there was faith to apprehend it.... [ Continue Reading ]
The "birthright" had three elements:
(1) Until the establishment of the Aaronic priesthood the head of the
family exercised priestly rights.
(2) The Abrahamic family held the Edenic promise of the Satan-Bruiser
(Genesis 3:15). -- Abel, Seth, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Esau.
(3) Esau, as th... [ Continue Reading ]