Six Marys

Six Marys are to be distinguished in the New Testament:

(1) the mother of Jesus; always clearly identified by the context.

(2) Mary Magdalene, a woman of Magdala, "out of whom went seven demons" (Luke 8:2) She is never mentioned apart from the identifying word "Magdalene."

(3) The mother of James (called "the less," (Mark 15:40) and Joses, the apostles. A comparison of; (John 19:25); (Matthew 27:56); (Mark 15:40) establishes the inference that this Mary, the mother of James the less, and of Joses was the wife of Alphaeus (called also Cleophas), (John 19:25) and a sister of Mary the mother of Jesus. Except in; (Matthew 27:61); (Matthew 28:1) where she is called "the other Mary (that is, "other" than her sister, Mary the Virgin); and (John 19:25) where she is called "of Cleophas," she is mentioned only in connection with one or both of her sons.

(4) Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha and Lazarus, mentioned by name only in (Luke 10:39); (John 11:1); (John 11:19); (John 11:20); (John 11:28); (John 11:31); (John 11:32); (John 11:45); (John 12:3) but referred to in (Matthew 26:7); (Mark 14:3).

(5) The mother of John Mark and sister of Barnabas (Acts 12:12).

(6) A helper of Paul in Rome (Romans 16:6).

of whom was born

The changed expression here is important. It is no longer, "who begat," but, "Mary, of whom was born Jesus." Jesus was not begotten of natural generation.


Christ (Greel, "Christos", means "anointed"), the Greek form of the Hebrew, "Messiah" (Daniel 9:25) is the official name of our Lord, as Jesus is his human name; (Luke 1:31); (Luke 2:21). The name, or title, "Christ" connects Him with the entire Old Testament foreview

( See Scofield) - (Zechariah 12:8)

of a coming prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15); Priest (Psalms 110:4) and king (2 Samuel 7:7). As these were typically anointed with oil; (1 Kings 19:16); (Exodus 29:7); (1 Samuel 16:13) so Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit; (Matthew 3:16); (Mark 1:10); (Luke 3:21); (John 1:32) thus becoming officially "the Christ."

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