Matthew 21:1
NIGH UNTO JERUSALEM (Matthew 21:1); (Zechariah 9:9); (Zechariah 14:4). The two advents are in striking contrast.... [ Continue Reading ]
NIGH UNTO JERUSALEM (Matthew 21:1); (Zechariah 9:9); (Zechariah 14:4). The two advents are in striking contrast.... [ Continue Reading ]
FULFILLED The king's final and official offer of Himself according to (Zechariah 9:9). Acclaimed by an unthinking multitude whose real belief is expressed in (Matthew 21:11); but with no welcome from the official representatives of the nation, He was soon to hear the multitude shout: "Crucify him.... [ Continue Reading ]
CAST See (Luke 19:45); (Mark 11:15). Compare (John 2:13) which introduced, as this cleansing closed, the offer of Christ to Israel as King.... [ Continue Reading ]
BETHANY See (John 11:1); (John 11:2); (Luke 10:39). Compare (Mark 11:1); (Luke 19:29); (John 12:1). With no other place is the human Christ so tenderly associated, while it also was the place of manifestation of His divine power. (John 11:43); (John 11:44).... [ Continue Reading ]
FIG TREE Literally, a solitary fig tree. (Luke 13:6). The withered fig tree is a parabolic miracle concerning Israel. (Luke 13:6). Compare (Matthew 24:32); (Matthew 24:33); a prophecy that Israel shall again bud.... [ Continue Reading ]
VINEYARD See "vineyard," margin reference, (Matthew 20:1). (_ See Scofield) - (Matthew 20:1). _... [ Continue Reading ]
REPENTED Compare (Luke 15:20); the other perfect illustration of repentance. (_ See Scofield) - (Acts 17:30). _... [ Continue Reading ]
RIGHTEOUSNESS (_ See Scofield) - (Romans 10:10). _... [ Continue Reading ]
LORD'S Jehovah. (Psalms 118:23).... [ Continue Reading ]
KINGDOM OF GOD Note that Matthew here as in (Matthew 21:31) uses the larger word, kingdom of God: Compare (_ See Scofield) - (Matthew 6:33). _ The kingdom of heaven; (_ See Scofield) - (Matthew 3:2). _ (_ See Scofield) - (1 Corinthians 15:24). _ will yet be set up. Meantime, the kingdom of God... [ Continue Reading ]
STONE SHALL BE BROKEN Christ, as the "Stone", is revealed in a threefold way: (1) To Israel Christ, coming not as a splendid monarch but in the form of a servant, is a stumbling stone and rock of offence. (Isaiah 8:14); (Isaiah 8:15); (Romans 9:32); (Romans 9:33); (1 Corinthians 1:23); (1 Peter 2:... [ Continue Reading ]