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The beginning of the i Olivet Discourse.

Comparing Matthew 24 with (Luke 21:20) answers the threefold question. The order is as follows: "when shall these things be?" -- that is, destruction of the temple and city. Answer: (Luke 21:20).

Second and third questions: "And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the age?" Answer: (Matthew 24:4).

Verses 4 to 14 (Matthew 24:4) have a double interpretation: They give

(1) the character of the age -- wars, international conflicts, famines, pestilences, persecutions, and false Christs. Compare (Daniel 9:26).

This is not the description of a converted world.

(2) But the same answer (Matthew 24:4) applies in a specific way to the end of the age, namely, Daniel's seventieth week. (Daniel 9:24).

( See Scofield) - (Daniel 9:24).

All that has characterized the age gathers into awful intensity at the end. Verse 14 (Matthew 24:14) has specific reference to the proclamation of the good news that the kingdom is again "at hand" by the Jewish remnant (Isaiah 1:9); (Revelation 14:6); (Revelation 14:7).

( See Scofield) - (Romans 11:5).

Verse 15 (Matthew 24:15) gives the sign of the abomination,

( See Scofield) - (Daniel 9:27),

the "man of sin," or "Beast". (2 Thessalonians 2:3); (Daniel 9:27); (Daniel 12:11); (Revelation 13:4).

This introduces the great tribulation (Psalms 2:5).

( See Scofield) - (Revelation 7:14),

which runs its awful course of three and a half years, culminating in the battle of

( See Scofield) - (Revelation 19:19),

at which time Christ becomes the smiting Stone of (Daniel 2:34).

The detail of this period (Matthew 24:15) is:

(1) The abomination in the holy place (Matthew 24:15);

(2) the warning (Matthew 24:16) to believing Jews who will then be in Jerusalem;

(3) the great tribulation, with renewed warning as to false Christs (Matthew 24:21);

(4) the sudden smiting of the Gentile world-power (Matthew 24:27); (Matthew 24:28);

(5) the glorious appearing of the Lord, visible to all nations, and the regathering of Israel (Matthew 24:29);

(6) the sign of the fig-tree (Matthew 24:32); (Matthew 24:33);

(7) warnings, applicable to this present age over which these events are ever impending (Matthew 24:34). (Philemon 4:5).

Careful study of Daniel 2, 7, 9 and Revelation 13 will make the interpretation clear.

See, also, "Remnant" (Isaiah 1:9); (Romans 11:5).

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