All they that see me

Psalm 22 is a graphic picture of death by crucifixion. The bones (of the hands, arms, shoulders, and pelvis) out of joint (Psalms 22:14) the profuse perspiration caused by intense suffering (Psalms 22:14); the action of the heart affected (Psalms 22:14); strength exhausted, and extreme thirst (Psalms 22:15); the hands and feet pierced (Psalms 22:16) partial nudity with hurt to modesty (Psalms 22:17), are all incidental to that mode of death. The accompanying circumstances are precisely those fulfilled in the crucifixion of Christ. (Psalms 22:14). The desolate cry of; (Psalms 22:1); (Matthew 27:46); the periods of light and darkness of; (Psalms 22:2); (Matthew 27:45) the contumely of; (Psalms 22:6); (Psalms 22:12); (Psalms 22:13); (Psalms 22:18); (Matthew 27:29) the casting lots of verse (Psalms 22:18); (Matthew 27:35), all were literally fulfilled. When it is remembered that crucifixion was a Roman, not Jewish form of execution, the proof of inspiration is irresistible.

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