
Six "laws" are to be distinguished in Romans:

The law of Moses, which condemns (Romans 3:19);

The "law" as a principle, (Romans 3:21);

The law of faith, which excludes self-righteousness (Romans 3:27);

The law of sin in the members, which is victorious over the law of the mind (Romans 7:21); (Romans 7:23); (Romans 7:25);

The law of the mind, which consents to the law of Moses, but cannot do it because of the law of sin in the members (Romans 7:16); (Romans 7:23);

and, The "law of the Spirit," having power to deliver the believer from the law of sin which is in his members, and his conscience from condemnation by the Mosaic law.

Moreover, the Spirit works in the yielded believer the very righteousness which Moses' law requires (Romans 8:2); (Romans 8:4).

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