The sons of Hashem the Gizonite. — Samuel has “the sons of Jashen, Jonathan” (Heb.). Here the Syriac and Arabic have “the sons of Shëm of ‘Azun, Jonathan son of Shaga of Mount Carmel.” The word “sons” (bnê) is an accidental repetition of the last three letters of the Hebrew word for Shaalbonite. “Jashen the Gizonite” is probably the right reading.

Jonathan the son of Shage the Hararite. — This appears more correct than the text of Samuel, “Shammah the Hararite.” “Shammah son of Age the Hararite” was the third hero of the first triad (2 Samuel 23:11). Perhaps, therefore, the original reading here was “Jonathan son of Age (or Shammah) the Hararite.” The Syriac and Arabic, however, support Shage.

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