Now it came to pass, as David sat in his house. — In both texts the story of this chapter naturally follows that of the removal of the Ark, although the events themselves appear to belong to a later period of David’s reign, “when the Lord had given him rest round about from all his enemies” (2 Samuel 7:1; comp. 1 Chronicles 17:8). 1 Chronicles 17:11 indicate some time before the birth of Solomon, but the date cannot be more exactly determined.

David. — Thrice in 1 Chronicles 17:1, for which Samuel has the king.” The chronicler loves the name of his ideal sovereign.

Sat. — Dwelt.

Lo. — Samuel, “See, now.”

An house. — The house — viz., that which Hiram’s craftsmen had built (1 Chronicles 14:1, sqq.).

Of cedars. — A vivid allusion to the splendour of the palace, with its doors, walls, and ceilings of cedar wood. “Cedar of Labnana” (Lebanon) was in great request with the Assyrian monarchs of a later age for palace-building.

Under curtains — i.e., in a tent (Habakkuk 3:7). Samuel has, “dwelleth amid the curtain” (collect.). The verb is omitted here for brevity.

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