And Aaron was separated. — Aaron and his sons, as priests, are thus excluded from present consideration. They form the proper subject of 1 Chronicles 25:1, and are only mentioned here for the sake of completeness in the reckoning.

That he should sanctify the most holy-things. — Rather, to hallow (or consecrate) him as most holy; literally, holy of holies (qôdesh qŏdâshîm), an expression not applied to Aaron in any other passage of Scripture. The meaning is that the priests represented a higher grade of holiness, a more thorough consecration, than the mere Levites, because they were called to the discharge of a higher and holier ministry.

He and his sons. — All the priests are included with Aaron.

To burn incense. — The Hebrew term means to burn victims as well as incense.

To minister unto him, and to bless in his name — The same words occur (Deuteronomy 10:8) with reference to the purpose for which the tribe of Levi was “separated.” The tribe obviously includes the Aaronite clan. (Comp. also Deuteronomy 21:5.)

And to bless in his name. — This appears right from Numbers 6:23. Others render, and to bless His name.

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