Now concerning Moses the man of God. — Rather, Now Moses, the man of God.

His sons were named (or should be named) of the tribe of Levi. — See Genesis 48:6 for the phrase “to be called after” (niqrâ’ ‘al). Aaron’s sons were priests; but the sons of Moses, his brother, were reckoned as simple Levites, and therefore their houses are here enumerated (1 Chronicles 23:15).

The man of God. — See Deuteronomy 33:1; Psalms 90; Joshua 14:6. David is so called (2 Chronicles 8:14; Nehemiah 12:24). The meaning of the title is one charged with a Divine mission. Hence the prophets were so called in the times of the kings; and St. Paul applies the title to Timothy (1 Timothy 6:11).

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