Thus were they divided by lot, one sort with another. — Literally, And they divided them by lots, these with those: i.e., the sons of Eleazar with those of Ithamar, the clans of each standing together, apart from those of the other, and the lots being drawn for each alternately. The object was to decide the question of precedence in the order of ministration (comp. Luke 1:5; Luke 1:8), the liturgical functions being, of course, the same for all.

For the governors of the sanctuary ... — Better, for there had arisen holy princes (“lords spiritual) and princes of God (both) from among the sons of Eleazar, and from among the sons of Ithamar. The decision was referred to the equal arbitrament of the lot, because there had been, and were, distinguished heads of priestly houses belonging to both lines of descent. “Princes of the sanctuary” (Isaiah 43:28) — the phrase is equivalent to “princes of the priests” (2 Chronicles 36:14). “Princes of God” — an expression (sârê ’ĕlôhîm) not found elsewhere; it is either synonymous with the last, or perhaps denotes the high priests. (Comp. Notes on 1 Chronicles 6:4.) The term “Prince of God” (nĕsî ’ĕlôhîm) is applied to Abraham (Genesis 23:6), apparently in the sense of mighty prince, which may be the meaning here.

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