Of Heman. — Rather, To Reman: the sons of Heman were, &c. Fourteen names of Hemanite leaders are given. Curiously enough, the last six, excluding the peculiar “Joshbekashah,” form, as they stand, a complete poetical couplet, which may be rendered:

“God has come; I have exalted and extolled the help;
I have spoken abundance of visions.”

Such words are very suitable in the mouth of a seer, as Heman is called in the next verse, but the arrangement of the names in this order is perhaps only a mnemonic device

Uzziel. — Power of God (Exodus 6:18); called “Azareel” in 1 Chronicles 25:18 (God hath helped, 1 Chronicles 12:6). The words differ in Hebrew by one letter only. The Syriac has “Uzziel” (Azael) in both places. But the difference appears in the LXX. and Vulg.

Shebuel. — In 1 Chronicles 25:20, “Shubael,” which the LXX. reads in both places. The Syriac and Vulg. keep the distinction. (Comp. 1 Chronicles 24:20.)

Giddalti, and Romamti-ezer. — That is, perhaps, Giddalti-ezer and Romamti-ezer. But in 1 Chronicles 25:29 “Giddalti” occurs again without any such addition, and the name as it stands may be compared with “Mallothi.” The two verbs, giddaltî and romamtî, occur together in Isaiah 1:2 : “1 have nourished and brought up.”

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