Now the first lot came forth for Asaph to Joseph. — See 1 Chronicles 25:2, according to which Joseph was the second “son” of Asaph. Although not stated in the text, it must have been true of Joseph as of all the following heads, that “he, and his sons and his brethren were twelve.” The specified total of 288 (1 Chronicles 25:7) requires it.

The second to Gedaliah, who with his brethren and sons were twelve. — Rather, Gedaliah was the second, he and his brethren and his sonstwelve. The “brethren” and “sons” of the chiefs, in this and the following verses, are the eleven masters, or proficients, in each class.

Brethren. — Fellow-clansmen, or associates.

Sons. — Disciples, or subordinates.

Perhaps, however, we should think of elder and younger families, grouped together in one class.

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