And did eat and drink. — And they ate and drank. (Comp. the account of the feasting at David’s coronation, 1 Chronicles 12:39.)

And they made Solomon the son of David king the second time. — The first time is briefly noticed in 1 Chronicles 23:1. (Comp. the full account, 1 Kings 1:32.)

And anointed him unto the Lord to be the chief governor.And anointed (him; perhaps the suffix has fallen out) for Jehovah as prince (nâgîd, 1 Chronicles 27:16; 1 Kings 1:35).

Anointed.Judges 9:15; 2 Samuel 2:4. The expression “for Jehovah” seems to mean, according to His will. (Comp. 1 Chronicles 28:5.) Or perhaps we should render, anointed him as prince, and Zadoh as priest, to Jehovah. The king was Jehovah’s vicegerent, as Zadok was His priest. The theocratic nature of the Israelite monarchy is again insisted upon. (Comp. 1 Chronicles 17:14; 1 Chronicles 28:5.)

And Zadok to be priest. — A remarkable notice, peculiar to the Chronicles. Among other things, it vividly illustrates the almost sovereign dignity of the high priest’s office; it also explains the deposition of Abiathar (comp. 1 Kings 1:32; 1 Kings 2:26) as having been already contemplated by David.

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