(35-44) A duplicate of 1 Chronicles 8:29. The genealogy of Saul seems to be repeated, according to the chronicler’s habit (comp. 1 Chronicles 6:4 et seq. with 1 Chronicles 6:50 et seq.; 1 Chronicles 7:6 et seq. with 1 Chronicles 8:1 et seq.), as a transition or introduction to something else, viz., the account of that king’s final ruin in 1 Chronicles 10. The present list is identical with the former, so far as it extends (1 Chronicles 8:39 is wanting here), but is, on the whole, in better preservation, supplying, as we have seen, several omissions in the other copy. Only the name of Ahaz has fallen out (1 Chronicles 9:41). The correspondence of the two lists appears to be too exact to justify an assumption of different original sources; but the chronicler may have found the repetition already existing in the principal document from which he drew his materials.

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