(1) DARE ANY OF YOU. — Having rebuked the Corinthian Christians for
any attempt to judge those who are outside the Church — _i.e.,_ the
heathen — St. Paul now insists, on the other hand, on the importance
of their not submitting their affairs for decision to the heathen
tribunals. Jewish convert... [ Continue Reading ]
DO YE NOT KNOW... ? — The knowledge which they possessed of the
great future which was in store for the Church of Christ was the
strongest argument against the humiliating degradation to which their
conduct was subjecting it.
THE SAINTS SHALL JUDGE THE WORLD. — The Apostle here claims for all
Christ... [ Continue Reading ]
WE SHALL JUDGE ANGELS. — Many conjectures have been made as to the
exact significance of the word “angels” here. Some suggest that it
must signify bad angels; but this would be an unusual use of the word
without any qualifying adjective. It is better, perhaps, to regard the
passage as a climax arisi... [ Continue Reading ]
IF THEN YE HAVE JUDGMENTS.... — Better, _If, however, you choose to
have judgments to be given on matters of this life._ The last words
show that the questions which are alluded to are purely worldly and
not spiritual matters. The Apostle subsequently urges that such
disputes ought not to arise at a... [ Continue Reading ]
I SPEAK TO YOUR SHAME. — Better, _I say this to cause you to feel
ashamed._ From the latent irony of the previous words, the Apostle
turns to ask solemnly whether it be a fact that in the whole Christian
community at Corinth, which boasted of their superior wisdom, there is
not to be found even one... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT BROTHER GOETH TO LAW WITH BROTHER. — “It would almost seem as
if it were not so. Your dragging these disputes before tribunals of
the heathen would imply that it is not possible to find a Christian
friend whom you can trust to settle these trivial disputes.” Thus
the Apostle answers his question... [ Continue Reading ]
A FAULT. — Better, _a falling short_ of your privilege and dignity
as Christians. It is the same word as is rendered “diminishing” in
Romans 11:12. The Apostle in this verse goes one step farther, and
condemns the Corinthians, not only on the ground of the tribunals to
which they resorted being heat... [ Continue Reading ]
NAY, YE DO WRONG. — Better, _No, but you yourselves do wrong.
_... [ Continue Reading ]
KNOW YE NOT THAT THE UNRIGHTEOUS...? — The force of this question
comes out more strikingly in the original, where the word rendered
“unrighteous” is the same as “ye do wrong” of 1 Corinthians
6:8. “You do wrong, apparently forgetting that no wrongdoers shall
inherit God’s kingdom.”
BE NOT DECEIVED.... [ Continue Reading ]
SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU. — The Greek for “such” is in the neuter,
and implies “of such a description were some of you.”
YE ARE WASHED. — Better, _ye washed them off._ referring to the fact
that their baptism was a voluntary act (Acts 22:16). The words
“sanctified” and “justified” as used here do not p... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL THINGS ARE LAWFUL UNTO ME. — This was probably a statement which
the Apostle had himself made; at all events, the freedom which it
expresses was very dear to him, and it may have been misused by some
as an argument for universal license. St. Paul, therefore, boldly
repeats it, and proceeds to sh... [ Continue Reading ]
MEATS FOR THE BELLY. — The Apostle proceeds now to show that the
question of eating meats offered to idols does come into that
catalogue of indifferent things on which an exercise of Christian
freedom is permissible, and that the question of fornication does not.
Lawful matters are to be decided upo... [ Continue Reading ]
WILL ALSO RAISE UP US. — This phrase is remarkable as one of the few
which show that the Apostle, while he in common with the early Church
expected the early advent of Christ, did not think that it would
necessarily occur in his own lifetime. Here, as ever, the resurrection
of the dead, when we shal... [ Continue Reading ]
SHALL I THEN ...? — Having shown the great dignity which attaches to
our bodies as immortal members of Christ, the Apostle asks with
indignant emphasis, “Shall I take them out from that high and holy
membership, and make them members of an harlot?” The double act of
taking them away from their glori... [ Continue Reading ]
WHAT? — As if some one might question and resent the strength of the
previous words, and wish them “watered down.” “Do you not know
that my strong assertion is true? It is not merely my statement; it is
to be found in the Old Testament, ‘Two shall be one flesh.’”
This was originally (Genesis 2:24) a... [ Continue Reading ]
ONE SPIRIT. — The union betwixt Christ and each member of His Church
is a spiritual one. This explains the sense in which we are the
Lord’s body, and intensifies the argument against any degradation of
one who shares so holy and intimate a union.... [ Continue Reading ]
FLEE FORNICATION. — These last three verses of the chapter contain a
solemn exhortation to purity, arising out of the previous argument.
WITHOUT THE BODY. — The word “body” is still to be understood as
used of the whole “human nature,” which is spoken of in 1
Corinthians 6:19 as the temple of the H... [ Continue Reading ]
WHAT? KNOW YE NOT...? — These verses read better rendered thus: _Do
you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is
in you? Which you have from God, and you are not your own. For you
were bought with a price. Glorify God then in your body._
There are two reasons why we are not... [ Continue Reading ]