(1) We now approach the practical portion of the Epistle. The first
point on which the Thessalonians need instruction is in the matter of
social purity (1 Thessalonians 4:1).
FURTHERMORE hardly expresses the original. St. Paul is not adding a
further injunction, for he has as yet given none. I... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR YE KNOW. — He calls on the Thessalonians’ memory to support
his statement, “ye received;” at the same time awakening their
interest to catch the special point next to come, by laying stress on
“w_hat_ commandments.”
BY THE LORD JESUS. — Not as if the Lord were the person who took the
commandmen... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR. — The word further enforces the appeal to their memory: “Ye
_know_ what commandments... for _this_ (you will recollect) is what
God wants;” “a commandment given through the Lord Jesus,” being,
of course, identical with “God’s will.”
YOUR SANCTIFICATION. — In apposition to the word _this._ The... [ Continue Reading ]
SHOULD KNOW. — The clause is simply parallel to the last, and, with
it, explains the word “sanctification.” The Bulgarian Father,
Theophylact, says pointedly in reference to the word “to know” or
“understand,” “He indicates that chastity is a matter that
requires self-discipline and study.” (Comp. E... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT IN THE LUST OF CONCUPISCENCE, for such a method of using one’s
faculties, such an attempt to acquire mastery of vital powers, is
really to abandon them altogether to others. This notion is involved
in the very word here translated “lust,” which is more often
rendered “passion,” and implies somet... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT NO MAN. — The form of the Greek shows that this is not exactly
_parallel_ with the preceding clauses, as if it ran, “this is
God’s will, your sanctification, for you to abstain, for you to know
how to possess, for you not to go beyond,” &c. It is a _final_
clause, expressing the _purpose_ of su... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR GOD. — This gives the reason for stating that the Lord will take
vengeance on such sins; because they are not part of the terms on
which His Father called us. It should be “_did_ not call.” These 1
Thessalonians 4:7, sum up the little disquisition, returning to the
principle announced in 1 Thess... [ Continue Reading ]
“So you see that to act contumeliously in the matter is to act
contumeliously not only towards your neighbour, but towards God
Himself, and that, too, after He has given you a gift which should
have preserved you from these corruptions.”
HE... THAT DESPISETH. — The verb means to treat as insignific... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT... — This forms the second subject of instruction, following
naturally on the first. “We are very glad to hear of so strong a
Christian feeling of brotherhood among you, and think it almost
unnecessary to say anything more to you about it; still your charity
is hardly _catholic_ enough, nor have... [ Continue Reading ]
AND INDEED YE DO _IT_ — i.e., “love one another;” but the words
seem to imply a very practical form of love. This fact justifies St.
Paul in saying that the Thessalonians were so taught of God.
TOWARD. — Rather, _even unto; as far as unto._ The Thessalonians’
charity has travelled already a long wa... [ Continue Reading ]
(11)AND THAT YE STUDY TO BE QUIET. — The word means more than
“study;” “and that ye make it your ambition to keep quiet” —
their ambition having formerly been to make a stir among the Churches.
It is a strong use of the rhetorical figure called _oxymoron,_ or
combining words of contrary meaning in o... [ Continue Reading ]
HONESTLY. — Not in our modern sense of the word, but
“honourably,” “creditably.”
TOWARD — i.e._,_ ”in reference to,” “in your connection
with.” The heathen were certain to be watching the conduct of the
members of the new religion, and it would bring down political
suspicion if they were seen to be... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT. — We pass to the _third_ clearly marked point: the share of the
Christian dead in the Coming of Christ. Possibly an association of
ideas may have caused St. Paul to join these two subjects, of quietude
and the Advent, so closely (see Note on 1 Thessalonians 4:11). “You
need have no distress abo... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR IF... — A reason for thinking that if the Thessalonians knew and
believed the truth, they ought not to be so miserable. The “if”
implies no doubt: “if we believe (as we do), then,” &c. — merely
clearing the ground for a logical deduction. The writer does not care
to _prove_ so well-known a fact... [ Continue Reading ]
BY THE WORD OF THE LORD. — Literally, _in._ A most direct claim to
plenary inspiration (see references). It does not mean “According to
certain words which Christ spoke,” nor yet “_By means_ of a
revelation from the Lord to me,” but “_By way of_ a divine
revelation:” “I tell you this as a message st... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR. — A justification of the statement that we shall certainly not
_prevent_ the dead; therefore, the words as far as “trump of God”
are logically _parenthetical;_ and the proof only begins at “_They_
shall rise _first: then_ we shall be caught up.”
WITH A SHOUT. — The Greek word means a _shout of... [ Continue Reading ]
SHALL BE CAUGHT UP. — “Our Assumption,” as Bishop Ellicott well
calls it. The spiritualising of our natural bodies without death, as
described in 1 Corinthians 15:50, _et seq.,_ will enable us to be
“caught up” equally well with, and in company with (both of which
thoughts are included in “together... [ Continue Reading ]
COMFORT ONE ANOTHER. — Here is a balm for the “sorrow” of 1
Thessalonians 4:13. Bather, “_in_ these words” than “_with_;”
“Repeat these very words to one another, and you will find the
comfort.” What bereaved Christian has not found this true?... [ Continue Reading ]