I will therefore. — The Apostle here again turns to the subject of “public prayer,” now giving directions respecting the persons who should offer their prayers, and also telling them how these public requests to God should be made. “I will therefore” expresses on St. Paul’s part no mere wish or desire, but it is the expression of his solemn apostolical authority. It might be rendered, I desire therefore.

That men pray every where... — Better rendered, in every place. The greater liberty which women, under the teaching of Christ, had enjoyed; the new position they occupied in the Christian commonwealth; the distinguished services many of them had been permitted to accomplish in the Master’s service — in such instances as the Marys, Dorcas, Priscilla, Lydia, and others — had no doubt contributed to a certain self-assertion on the part of female converts in the Ephesian congregations, which threatened grave disorders in the conduct of divine worship. St. Paul, in his directions respecting divine service in the Christian assemblies, follows the custom here of the Jewish synagogue, where women were forbidden to speak. Men, said St. Paul, in every place where a congregation in the name of Christ was gathered together, were to be the offerers of prayer. The word “everywhere” seems a memory of the Lord’s words to the woman of Samaria, “Believe me, the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.”

Lifting up holy hands. — It was the Jewish practice, not only in taking a solemn oath — or in blessing — but also in prayer, to lift up the hands — Compare Psalms 28:2; Psalms 63:4. This seems to have been generally adopted by the early Christians as the attitude in prayer. See Clem. Rom., To the Corinthians, chap. 29 “Holy hands;” see Psalms 24:4; Psalms 26:6; “holy” — that is, unstained with wanton sins.

Without wrath and doubting. — Here allusion is doubtless made to religious disputes and contentions among the believers themselves — “doubting” is better translated by disputing. These angry feelings can have no place in the heart of one who really prays, whether in public or in private.

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