And when all Israel saw. — Now all Israel had seen. Kings: “And all Israel saw.” The chronicler makes a new start. (The word “saw” is wanting in very many Hebrew MSS., and in LXX., Vulg., and Targ., and some Hebrew editions.)

Answered.Returned the king — scil., a word, which Kings supplies.

Every man to your tents, O Israel. — Literally, A man (’îsh) to thy tents, &c. The word “man” is probably spurious, being due to a repetition of the letters of the preceding proper name Jesse (Heb., Yishai or Ishai). Kings, LXX., Vulg. are without it, but Syriac has it.

See to thine own house — i.e., govern Judah, thine own tribe. Vulg., “pasce domum tuam.”

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