Drew a bow.With the bow.

At a venture. — See margin, and comp. 2 Samuel 15:11, where a similar phrase occurs, which Gesenius interprets “without thought of evil design.” The LXX. εὐστόχως, “with good aim,” is a bad guess. Syriac, “innocently straight before him.” But the explanation of Rashi seems best: “without knowing why he chose that particular man to shoot at.”

And smote. — See on 2 Chronicles 18:23.

Between the joints of the harness. — Or, breastplate. So Syriac, “between the division of his mail”; the LXX. has “in the midst of the lungs and breast:; Vulgate, “between the neck and shoulders”; both mere guesses.

That thou mayst carry (literally, bring) me out. — Kings, and bring me out.

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