And the king of Israel... sat either of them on his throne. — Rather, Now the king of Israel... were sitting each on his throne.

Clothed in their robes. — The pronoun, which is indispensable if this be the meaning, is wanting in the Hebrew. The Syriac has probably preserved the original reading: “Clothed in raiment spotted white and black.” (Vid. infr.)

And they sat. — Were sitting. Explanatory addition by chronicler.

A void place.A threshingfloor. LXX., ἐν τῷ εὐρυχώρῳ, “in the open ground;” Vulg., “in a threshing. floor.” The word is probably corrupt, and may have originated out of bĕruddîm, “spotted,” i.e., perhaps embroidered; an epithet of robes.

Prophesied.Were prophesying. “Vaticina-bantur,” Vulg.

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