Art not thou God in heaven. — So Psalms 115:2. Jehovah, the Worship of Israel, is no limited local or tribal deity, but God over all. (Comp. also the first clause of the Lord’s Prayer.)

And rulest not thou over all the kingdoms? — Comp. 1 Chronicles 29:12 (David’s prayer), “and Thou reignest (rulest) over all; and in Thine hand is power and might.” This and next sentence should be rendered affirmatively, as in that place. (Comp. also Psalms 47:8 : “God reigneth over the heathen.”)

So that none is able to withstand thee. — Vulg., “nec quisquam tibi potest resistere;” LXX., καὶ οὐκ ἔστιν πρὸς σὲ�. Literally, and there is none against thee to stand up. For this construction, comp. Psalms 94:16 : “Who will stand up for me with (i.e., against) workers of wickedness. (Comp. also Psalms 2:2; and the last words of Asa’s Prayer, 2 Chronicles 14:11.) Syr. and Arab., “and I am standing and praying before thee.”

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