Invaded — i.e., “fell upon” (2 Chronicles 25:13).

The low country.The sheph̓̓çlah, or lowland of Judah, between the hill-country and the Mediterranean.

The south.The Negeb, or southland of Judah, nearly co-extensive with the territory assigned to Simeon (2 Samuel 24:7).

Beth-shemesh. — See 1 Chronicles 6:59.

Ajalon.1 Chronicles 6:69.

Gederoth. — In the lowland (Joshua 15:41).

Shocho. — Rather, Socho (2 Chronicles 11:7).

Timnah. — Now Tibna (Joshua 15:10).

Gimzo. — Now Jimsu, between Lydda and Beth-horon (Robinson, iii. 271).

And the villages thereof.And her daughters. (See Note on 1 Chronicles 7:28, “and the towns thereof.”)

And they dwelt there. — Permanently occupied the country. (Comp. 1 Chronicles 5:22. See also Isaiah 14:29.)

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