Gathered together the vessels. — According to some MSS. the Syriac, Arabic, Vulg., and Targum, all the vessels.

And cut in pieces the vessels. — Literally, trimmed (qiççaç), i.e., cut off their metal ornaments. The same word is used in 2 Kings 16:17, where it is said, “And king Ahaz cut off the plates of the bases, and removed the laver from upon them, and the sea he took down from off the brazen oxen that were under it, and put it on a pavement of stones.”

And shut up the doors of the house of the Lord. — Not in Kings. (Comp. 2 Chronicles 29:3.) The doors of the sanctuary itself, not those of the great court, must be understood. (Comp. 2 Kings 16:15, from which it appears that the new Syrian altar was erected in the inner court near the brazen altar.) By closing the doors Ahaz suspended all rites that could only be duly performed within the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. (Thenius thinks the verse involves a misunderstanding of 2 Kings 16:18.)

In every corner of (in) Jerusalem. — Wanting in Kings.

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