He set.Stationed, appointed. Hezekiah restored the ancient choral worship as established by David (1 Chronicles 23:5; 1 Chronicles 23:25).

Psalteries.Nĕbâlîm, a kind of harp; Greek, νάβλα. νάβλίον.

Harps.Kinnôrôth. Greek, κινύρα, a sort of lyre, or cittern, or guitar.

Gad ... Nathan.1 Chronicles 29:29. This is the only place where the institution of the Levitical minstrelsy is ascribed to the injunctions of prophets; but the thing is probable in itself, considering that no important step, whether in civil or ecclesiastical matters, would be likely to be taken by an Israelite king without consulting the Divine will by means of the royal prophets, as we know, from the cuneiform documents, was the uniform practice with the Assyrian and Babylonian sovereigns. Moreover, prophecy was intimately connected with music. (See on 1 Chronicles 25:1.)

For so was ...For by the hand of Jehovah was the commandment; to wit, by the hand of his prophets. David’s command was obeyed because it was Divine, having emanated from the prophets who represented Jehovah. (Comp. 2 Chronicles 29:15, supra.)

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