Worshipped.Were worshipping. LXX. προσεκύνει.

The singers. — Heb., the song. So we might say “the music was playing;” or even “the song was singing,” i.e., being sung.

The trumpeters sounded.And the clarions were blowing (literally, clarioning). The participle is masculine, although the noun is properly feminine, because here the word “clarions” really stands for the clarion-players. So in modern orchestras they speak of “the violins,” or “the ‘cellos,” meaning the players on those instruments.

And all this. — Literally, the whole, until the burnt offering was finished.

This passage is highly interesting for the light it throws upon the mode in which the worship of the second Temple was conducted in the fourth century B.C., the probable age of the chronicler; and no doubt also in the times here treated of, for the Temple ritual would naturally be a matter of immemorial tradition. (Comp. 2 Chronicles 7:5.)

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