The greater house. — Or, the great chamber, i.e. the Holy Place, or nave. (Comp. 1 Chronicles 28:11.)

He cieled with fir tree.He covered with planks of fir; or, panelled with fir. To ciel, or rather seel (from syle or cyll, a canopy: Skeat, Etymol. Dict. s.v.) a room, meant in old English to wainscot or panel it. (Comp. 1 Kings 6:15.)

Which he overlaid with fine gold.And covered it (the chamber) with good gold. The cypress wainscoting was plated with gold.

And set thereon palm trees and chains. — Brought up on it (i.e., carved upon it) palms and chain-work (1 Kings 7:17). (For the palms, see 1 Kings 6:29; Ezekiel 41:18.) The chain-work must have consisted of garland-like carvings on the fir panels. 1 Kings 6:18 omits mention of it; LXX., “carved on it palms and chains”; Syriac, “figured on it the likeness of palms and lilies”; Vulgate, “graved on it palms and as it were chainlets intertwining.”

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