And Jehiel... were overseers. — Nothing is known of these ten Levitical officers; though some of the names occur elsewhere — e.g., Jehiel and Mahath in 2 Chronicles 29:12; 2 Chronicles 29:14.

Under the hand of Cononiah. — Or, at the side of... (miyyad...) The phrase means “under Cononiah’s orders.”

At the commandment of Hezekiah. — An unusual meaning of miphqäd, which in 1 Chronicles 21:5 denotes census. LXX., καθὼς προσέταξεν Εζεκιας.

Ruler (nagîd) of the house of God. — Comp. 1 Chronicles 9:11. Azariah was named in 2 Chronicles 31:10, supra.

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