Next him.By his hand (‘al yâdô). (Comp. 1 Chronicles 25:2.) The meaning is, “subordinate to him.”

The six Levites here named as under the direction of Korê had the duty of distributing a proper share of the firstfruits, tithes, and dedicated things to their brethren residing in the sacerdotal cities, where they themselves were stationed.

In their set office. — It seems better to connect the phrase so rendered with the following verb: “honestly to give” (comp. 2 Chronicles 31:12). So Vulg.: “ut fideliter distribuèrent fratribus suis partes,” &c. Others render be’emûnah, “in trust.”

Their brethren by courses. — Rather, their brethren in the courses — i.e., those members of the Levitical classes who, not being on duty at the Temple, were dwelling in their towns; and those who were past service, and young children.

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