Concerning. — Omit.

The children of Israel and Judah, that dwelt in the cities of Judah. — Contrasted with “the children of Israel” who dwelt in Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 31:5). “The children of Israel that dwelt in the cities of Judah are evidently those who had left the northern kingdom to settle in the south. (Comp. 2 Chronicles 10:17; 2 Chronicles 11:16; 2 Chronicles 30:25.)

The tithe of holy things. — This expression is assumed to be equivalent to “the heave offerings of the holy things (Numbers 18:19), which denotes such portions of the sacrificial gifts as were not consumed upon the altar. Taken literally, “tithe of things consecrated” would be a very surprising, as it is a wholly isolated, expression.

The present text of the LXX. appears to contain, not a trace of a different reading, but simply an old error of transcription, suggested probably by the words immediately preceding; for its rendering is, “and tithes of goats” (αἰγῶν for ἀγίων). The Syriac paraphrases freely, but the Vulgate follows the Hebrew (décimas sanctorum). (See also Note on 2 Chronicles 31:10; 2 Chronicles 31:12.) There is probably a lacuna in the text.

And laid them by heaps. — Literally, and made heaps heapsi.e., many heaps. (Comp.Vulg., “fecerunt acervos plurimos.”)

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