storehouses also.And magazines (2 Chronicles 8:4; Exodus 1:11).

Stalls. — ‘Urâwôth (Syriac, ‘ûrâwôthô). (Comp. ûryôth, 2 Chronicles 9:25; and ăwçrôth, “cotes,” a word only found here.)

All manner of beasts.Every kind of cattle.

Cotes for flocks. — Heb., and flocks for folds. The words appear to have been transposed by some copyist. (Comp. LXX., καὶ μάνδρας εἰς τὰ ποίμνια, “and folds for the flocks.” So Vulg., “et caulas pecorum.” Syriac omits.)

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