The fountains.Ma‘yânôth. 2 Chronicles 32:3 has “springs” (‘ayânôth).

The brook.Nàchal. “The wâdy.” The Gihon is meant, a watercourse in the Valley of Hinnom, supplied with water by the springs which Hezekiah closed in and diverted. See Note on 2 Chronicles 32:30, and 2 Kings 20:20; comp. Sir. 48:17, “Hezekiah fortified his city, and brought into their midst the Gog” (LXX., Vat.), or, “into its midst water” (LXX., Alex.).

That ran.That was flowing over (Isaiah 30:28; Isaiah 8:8). The overflow of the springs formed the stream.

The kings of Assyria. — A vague rhetorical plural, as in 2 Chronicles 28:16.

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