(8-13) The cleansing and repair of the Temple. (Comp. 2 Kings 22:3; and the similar account of the restoration by Joash in 2 Chronicles 24:11).

When he had purged. — Omit had. (Lĕtahçr is apparently co-ordinate with lĕmolkû, “in the eighteenth year to his reigning, to purging the land “; as if the work of purification had been co-extensive with the reign. The LXX., however, has, “in order to purge the land,” which may be right.)

He sent Shaphan. — Who was secretary of state (2 Kings 22:3, “the scribe”).

Maaseiah... Joah. — Kings mentions Shaphan only.

The governor of the city. — Sar ha’îr; praefectus urois. (Conp. 1 Chronicles 11:6.)

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