It came even to pass... thanking the Lord.And the trumpeters and the minstrels were to sound aloud, as one man, with one sound, in order to praise and thank the Lord. This ends the parenthesis-

Their voice with the trumpets. — Rather, A sound with trumpets, &c.

And praised the Lord, saying, For he is good. — For this common liturgical formula see 1 Chronicles 16:34; 1 Chronicles 16:41.

That then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord. — Omit that (1 Kings 8:10). “Then the cloud filled the house of the Lord.” The LXX. reads, “with the cloud of the glory of the Lord; “the Vulg. simply, “so that the house of God was filled with a cloud.” (The Syriac and Arabic omit 2 Chronicles 5:12.) The unpointed Heb. text might be rendered, “the house was filled with the cloud of the house of the Lord;” but the Authorised Version is preferable; the phrase, “the house of the Lord,” being added as a sort of climax. (Comp. 2 Chronicles 4:21, ad fin.) So Reuss, “Le temple se remplit d’une nuée, le temple de l’ Eternel.” The emphatic word is Jehovah, of whose presence the bright cloud was the standing token.

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