Now therefore.And now. So in 2 Chronicles 6:17.

Keep that which thou hast promisedi.e., Thy further promise. See the fulfilment of the former promise, as described in 2 Chronicles 6:10, supr.

There shall not fail thee. — See margin. Authorised Version follows LXX., Οὐκ ἐκλείψει σοι; and Vulg., “non deficiet ex te.”

To sit. — Heb., sitting; LXX., καθήμενος.

Yet so that.Only if; assigning a single condition; provided that.... LXX., πλὴν ἐὰν φυλάξωσιν; Vulg., “ita tamen si custodierint.”

Take heed to. — Heb., keep (2 Chronicles 6:14).

In my law. — The only variant from 1 Kings 8:25. The chronicler has avoided a seeming tautology, as elsewhere. Syriac, “before me in the Law.”

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