The thistle. — Or bramble or briar. (Comp. Job 31:40; Song of Solomon 2:2.) The LXX. and Vulg. render “thistle;” the Syriac, “blackthorn” (Prunus silvestris).

Give thy daughter to my son to wife. — Perhaps hinting at Amaziah’s demand for the surrender of Israel (the “daughter” of Jehoash) to Judah (the “son” of Amaziah).

And there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon. — Rather, and the wild beasts that were in Lebanon passed over it. So LXX. and Vulg. It is obvious to compare with this brief but most pithy parable that of Jotham (Judges 9:8). The contrast between the northern and southern kingdoms in point of military strength and resources, and the disdainful tolerance with which the former regarded the latter, could hardly have found more forcible expression.

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