Then. — After slaying Shallum, and seizing the supreme power.

Tiphsah. — The name means ford, and elsewhere denotes the well-known Thapsacus on the Euphrates (1 Kings 4:24). Here, however, an Israelite city in the neighbourhood of Tirzah is obviously intended. The course of events was apparently this: after slaying Shallum, Menahem returned to Tirzah, and set out thence at the head of his entire army to bring the rest of the country to acknowledge him as king. Tiphsah resisting his claims, he made an example of it which proved efficient to terrorise other towns into submission. [Thenius would read Tappuah for Tiphsah by a slight change in one Hebrew letter. This agrees very well with the local indications of the text (comp. Joshua 17:7), though, of course, there may have been an otherwise unknown Tiphsah near Tirzah.]

The coasts thereof. — Literally, her borders (or, territories). (Comp. Joshua 17:8.)

From Tirzahi.e., starting from Tirzah. This shows that the districts of Tirzah and Tiphsah (or, Tappuah) were conterminous.

Because they opened not to him. — Literally, for one opened not; an impersonal construction. The meaning is: the gates were closed against him. The to him is added by all the versions except the Targum.

And all the women. — Comp. 2 Kings 8:21; Hosea 13:16; Amos 1:13.

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