Wrought evil.Did the evil in the eyes, &c., i.e., maintained the illicit worship of the bullock at Beth-el (2 Kings 3:3).

Like his mother. — Jezebel lived throughout his reign (2 Kings 9:30), which explains why he did not eradicate the Baal-worship (2 Kings 10:18).

For he put away.And he removed, scil., from its place in the temple of Baal. (Comp. 1 Kings 16:31.) It must have been afterwards restored, probably by the influence of Jezebel. (Comp. 2 Kings 10:26, and Notes.)

The image.Pillar. (Comp. 2 Chronicles 34:4.) The LXX., Vulg., and Arabic read “pillars” (a different pointing); and the LXX. adds at the end, “and brake them in pieces.” This seems original. Ahab would be likely to set up more than one pillar to Baal.

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