And he said unto himi.e., Elisha, as he lay on the bed (2 Kings 4:11), had charged Gehazi to say this when he called their hostess. It is hardly likely that Elisha communicated with her through his servant in order to save his own dignity. He may have thought she would express her wishes more freely to Gehazi than to himself.

Thou hast been careful... with all this care. — Literally, trembled all this trembling. Comp. Luke 10:41 (τυρβάζῃ).

Wouldest thou be spoken for to the king? — Literally, is it to speak for thee to the king? that is, dost thou stand in need of an advocate at court? Is there any boon thou desirest from the king? This shows what influence Elisha enjoyed at the time: but it does not prove that Jehu, whom he anointed, was already on the throne, for Jehoram respected and probably feared the prophet.

The captain of the host. — The commander-in- chief, who was the most powerful person next the king.

I dwell among mine own people. — Literally, In the midst of my people I am dwellingscil., far from the court and courtly interests. I have nothing to seek from such exalted personages; I am a mere commoner living quietly in the country.

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