Lay.Was lying. His wounds were not yet quite healed.

Ahaziah king of Judah was come down. — See 2 Kings 8:29. After relating what had meanwhile occurred with the army at Ramoth, the narrative returns to that point. Instead of Joram was lying there, the LXX. has, “Joram king of Israel was being healed in Jezreel of the shots wherewith the Arameans shot him in Ramoth, in the war with Hazael king of Syria, because he was mighty and a man of might.” The first sentence, “Joram king of Israel... king of Syria,” was probably a marginal note of a different reading of the first half of 2 Kings 9:15. This was inadvertently inserted by some transcriber in connection with Joram in the present verse. The sentence, “Because he was mighty and a man of might,” was originally a marginal note on the words “Hazael king of Syria” (2 Kings 9:14), but in like manner came to be erroneously connected with the same words in the various reading of 2 Kings 9:15 (Thenius).

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